Transform Your Business with the Best SEO for Businesses!

Position your website, attract more customers and increase your sales with effective strategies.

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seo store

What is SEO for businesses for?

The main goal of SEO for businesses is to facilitate the tracking of your store by Google algorithms and bots. Additionally, it provides you with the necessary tools and strategies to increase your business's visibility, thus positioning you at the top of search results.

Implement a good SEO for stores will allow you to attract more potential customers and increase your sales.

How does this happen?

By using the tools provided by SEO for businesses, your store will be easily identifiable to new potential customers. This is achieved through a series of strategies, such as the correct implementation of keywords related to your business.

By applying a good SEO for stores, you increase exposure on the internet, increasing the chances that those who search for your products will become new customers of your business.

Ecommerce SEO

SEO for ecommerce?

To begin, it is important to clarify what the word “SEO” means. This concept comes from English “Search Engine Optimization”, which in Spanish translates to “search engine optimization.”

In short, SEO encompasses all strategies designed to increase traffic to your website. Its main objective is to ensure that potential consumers can find you at the right time. Implementing SEO for Ecommerce and SEO for stores will help you attract more customers and improve the visibility of your business online.


What is the difference between Ecommerce SEO and other websites?

It is crucial to understand the differences between the SEO for stores and SEO applied to other web pages. The factors that distinguish this type of SEO are its structure, functionality and the objectives it seeks to achieve.

The SEO for Ecommerce prioritizes obtaining sales, which implies that the website must be configured with a more commercial focus. This differs from SEO applied to informational pages, where the main objective is to attract traffic.

In it SEO for stores, it is not enough to attract more visits; It is essential to attract users willing to buy. Therefore, as a business owner, your priority should be to identify the search intention of your potential customers and facilitate their access to the products they are looking for.

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SEO experts for businesses
seo for businesses

Pillars of SEO for businesses

Within all that SEO for businesses encompasses, it could be said that it rests on two fundamental pillars:

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO refers to all the optimizations that can be applied within the website. This includes the correct implementation of keywords, content optimization, site structure improvement, and user experience enhancement. Much of the SEO focus is on this strategy, ensuring your store is easily trackable and relevant to search engines.


Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO focuses on all the techniques performed outside your website to improve its ranking. A key example is building quality links from other reputable websites. These techniques help increase the authority and credibility of your online store, thus improving its visibility in search results.

Ecommerce SEO

Design online stores with SEO

When it comes to designing your website, one of the most important aspects is ensuring an excellent user experience, a crucial factor for the success of SEO for stores.

How to improve the user experience?

Improving the user experience is based on two fundamental aspects:

  1. Quality content
    It is essential to provide users with relevant and high-quality content. This not only retains visitors on your site but also improves your search engine ranking. Ensure that the reading is smooth and pay attention to the structure and design of the website.

  2. Responsive design
    It is equally important that your website is "responsive," meaning it adapts to different devices, whether desktop computers, tablets, or mobile phones. A responsive site ensures that all users have a positive experience regardless of the device they use to access your site.

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Roco Agency: Agency specialized in SEO for businesses

What do we focus on?

At Agencia Roco, our main focus is to provide comprehensive solutions SEO for Ecommerce that drive your business towards success in the digital environment. We are dedicated to improving every aspect of your online presence to ensure that your store not only attracts more traffic, but also converts visitors into loyal customers. Here we explain what we focus on:

  1. Keyword research and analysis
    We identify the most relevant keywords for your business and sector. This allows us to optimize your content so that you appear in the searches your potential customers are performing.

  2. On-Page Optimization
    We ensure that every page of your site is perfectly optimized. This includes the correct implementation of keywords, improving loading speed, optimizing images, and creating relevant and engaging content.

  3. Off-Page SEO Strategies
    We work on building high-quality links and developing a solid presence outside your website. This includes collaboration with other prestigious sites and managing your online reputation.

  4. SEO-oriented web design
    We create and adjust the design of your online store to improve user experience and ensure your site is accessible and attractive on all devices. We focus on responsive design and usability so that every visitor has a positive experience.

  5. Continuous monitoring and analysis
    We use advanced tools to monitor your website's performance and make constant adjustments. Our goal is to ensure your SEO strategy evolves and adapts to market changes and search engine algorithms.

  6. Consulting and personalized support
    We offer ongoing advice and personalized support to help you understand and improve your SEO strategy. We're here to answer your questions and guide you every step of the way.


If you want to learn more about our specialties, check it out here.

Benefits of SEO for businesses

  • Improved organic traffic: The SEO for Ecommerce Optimize your website to attract more visitors through search engines without the need for paid advertising.
  • Sales increase: By positioning your store better in search results, you attract more potential customers, which translates into increased sales.
  • Greater brand visibility: A good SEO for stores strategy not only improve the positioning of your website, but it also strengthens the presence and recognition of your brand.
  • Improved CTR (Click-Through Rate): With optimized titles and descriptions, you increase the click-through rate in your search results, driving more qualified traffic to your site.
  • Reduction in the sales cycle: By attracting more qualified customers ready to buy, you accelerate sales cycles, improving the efficiency of your business processes.
SEO Consultant

Why Hire an Agency specializing in SEO for businesses?

At Agencia Roco, previously known as Auladig, our name change reflects our commitment to excellence and innovation, without losing the quality of services that characterizes us. We have all the tools, staff and willingness to help you with everything you need.

You can rest assured that your company will be in the hands of experts specialized in a wide range of areas, all designed to drive the growth of your business.

With us, you will find everything you need for your digital store to be positioned with an excellent reputation, both locally and internationally.

It is important to highlight that in Agencia Roco We have a history of more than 600 successful projects in 10 Spanish-speaking countries that guarantee our experience and effectiveness.

Take the step and trust us to accompany you on this path to success.

Do not wait more.

Make us part of your project!

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Our SEO agency gives you your first Consultation completely Free. 

Frequent questions

SEO for businesses is crucial because it helps increase the visibility of your online store, which can lead to more traffic and, ultimately, more sales. Without an effective SEO strategy, your store could get lost among the competition, reducing your chances of attracting potential customers.

The time to see results with retail SEO can vary, but you can generally expect to start seeing significant improvements in traffic and conversions within 3 to 6 months. Factors such as keyword competitiveness, content quality, and website structure can influence the time required to see results.

SEO for businesses improves the user experience by ensuring that the website is easy to navigate, quick to load, and accessible from any device. Additionally, it ensures that content is relevant and useful, increasing the likelihood of visitors converting into customers.

Hiring an agency specialized in SEO for businesses can be highly beneficial, as they have the experience and tools necessary to develop and execute effective strategies. Additionally, an agency can provide a comprehensive approach, addressing both On-Page and Off-Page SEO, and offering ongoing support to adapt to changes in search engine algorithms and the market.

Reviews and testimonials play a crucial role in the SEO for Ecommerce. Positive reviews not only improve your store's reputation, but can also influence search rankings. Google values user reviews and may use these signals to determine the relevance and trustworthiness of your website. Additionally, testimonials can increase potential customers' trust and improve conversion rates.

Do you still have doubts about how to apply SEO for businesses?

What do our customers say?

A base de 7 reseñas
Enrique Torres Torres E
Enrique Torres Torres E
Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google.
Bueno el servicio y acompañamiento. Se viene desarrollando todo de acuerdo a las expectativas planteadas.
Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google.
Súper servicio excelente experiencia con mi página web muy amigable 10 de 10
Gloria Cifuentes H
Gloria Cifuentes H
Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google.
Quienes trabajan allí, son personas muy profesionales y con una excelente calidez. Es una empresa muy seria y competente, me encanta trabajar con ellos, porque siento que se interesan en mi negocio como lo hago yo.
MediaCares S.A.S
MediaCares S.A.S
Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google.
Muy buen servicio, soporte constante, cumplidos con los tiempos, desarrollaron una One page hermosa Mil gracias!
Marcela Venegas
Marcela Venegas
Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google.
Me encanto como quedo el ecommerce de mi marca, los super recomiendo
Santiago Zapata Ceballos
Santiago Zapata Ceballos
Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google.
Son una empresa muy organizada y cumple con los periodos de entrega de los productos

Let's talk

I'm Valentina, a certified SEO specialist. My team and I are ready to help you position your company locally through the proper use of SEO for businesses.

Tell us what your needs are

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