Master Technical SEO: Take Your Website to the Next Level

Position your company online and stand out to the world with our advanced SEO optimization

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we are experts in technical seo
WHAT IS technical seo?

Technical SEO

Upon hearing the word "technical," you might think it's something extremely complex and be inclined to avoid it.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Technical SEO is a series of modifications and strategies that can be carried out on different websites to optimize the technical factors of a page, facilitating its crawling and indexing by search engine bots and algorithms.

Through technical SEO, you'll have the opportunity to make your website visible, positioning it at the top of Google's search results.

google seo

Google website analysis


Technical SEO will provide you with a series of strategies that will become your right hand in ensuring your business stands out from your competitors, as you will secure greater visibility in the digital world, directly impacting your recognition not only locally but also potentially on an international level. 

When dealing with Google, it is essential to understand that With the proper implementation of SEO, you can ensure that your website appears on the first page of search results, thus allowing more people to discover you.

In this context, we must understand that factors such as the structure of the page, the quality of the content, and loading times can make a significant difference in how the page is recognized by bots and algorithms. 

technical seo experts

WHAT IS technical seo?

What objectives does Technical SEO have?

It could be said that technical SEO has two primary objectives, these being:


Technical SEO aims to achieve a good position in the SERPs SERP, not just highlighting specific content but seeking to make your entire website visible.

By performing adequate technical SEO, the probability that your website will be crawled and indexed in a favorable position increases dramatically.

However, it is crucial to ensure that the content you want to provide is of high quality and follows SEO structure recommendations. 

User experience

Technical SEO also aims to provide a better user experience, ensuring that users stay longer on your website.

And by spending more time on your page, the rejection rate is much lower.  

On the other hand, it is at this moment where the waiting time for your website becomes especially important.

Well, having reduced loading times will directly influence the reduction of the bounce rate. This means good news for your page.

It should be noted that by constantly improving the experience on your website, you will ensure that over time more and more users develop a commitment and loyalty to your brand, which contributes positively to the company's name.

Technical SEO

What are the pillars of technical SEO?

Website speed

This is an extremely important factor when talking about technical SEO, since it is crucial to have a fast website so that it can be easily detected by all search engines.

By having a website with long loading periods, or with poor optimization, it is very likely that search engines will overlook it as it is difficult to process, this being something completely opposite to what we are seeking to achieve. 

To avoid these problems, it is essential to have clean code and avoid files that take too long to load, such as numerous images or videos.

Website structure

It is important to have a clear and clean structure that can facilitate the search or navigation for all users who come to you. 

At Agencia ROCO, we recommend maintaining a hierarchical organization of the pages and entries on your website. The clearer your page's organization, the easier it will be to achieve good search positioning and improve user experience.

Responsive design

With responsive design we refer to the possibility that your page can be viewed adequately from any type of device, be it a computer or mobile device. 

Having a blog with a design that is presented as something pleasing to the user's eye is an important factor when thinking about search engine positioning. 

Well, factors such as the size of the letters, buttons and other additions must be constantly kept in mind when finding access on small devices such as cell phones.

technical seo experts
Approaches to Technical SEO


By implementing technical SEO strategies, search engine bots will be able to crawl your pages more easily. Once crawled, the bots can extract all the necessary information about your site, contributing to favorable indexing.


Once the bots have successfully crawled your website, the process of indexing your content begins, based on the topics your page contains and their relevance. Thanks to technical SEO strategies, this process will be more efficient for your page.

When the page is finally indexed, it may be eligible to rank on the first pages of results.


Technical SEO recommends increasing clickability on your website by considering details such as the importance of a good meta description and using keywords in page titles.



As you may have noticed, wait times and potential loading errors that your web server may present seriously hinder the crawling process by search engine bots. The mission of technical SEO, in this case, is to prevent these potential issues.


In this aspect, technical SEO dictates that it is very important to keep in mind the role that links, both internal and external, play within your page. Well, these help bots have a better understanding of how to place your website within the greater search scheme.  

All this thanks to the fact that the links guide both bots and users to related content, thus transferring the importance of the page.


Auladig: Specialists in technical SEO

What do we focus on?

At Agencia Roco, Previously known as Auladig, this change highlights our commitment to excellence and innovation, maintaining the quality of services that characterize us. We have the possibility of having a large group of specialists dedicated to different areas relevant to the digital world, focusing mainly on what is relevant to SEO and all its variants. 

Among our staff we have professionals trained to successfully apply technical SEO on your website, in order to guarantee your growth and visibility on the Internet.

It is thanks to this, the constant dedication and the detailed monitoring that we have for each of our clients, that we can guarantee that your company will be visible and competitive throughout the digital world.

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Benefits of technical SEO

  • URL Optimization
  • Avoidance of duplicate content.
  • Fixed page technical errors
  • Solution to server problems.
  • Source code maintenance.
  • Visualization improvement.

SEO Consultant

Why Trust Us?

At Agencia Roco, we evolve while maintaining our essence, committed to the excellence and innovation that defines us. We have a group of specialists dedicated to various areas of the digital world. With vast experience in everything related to technical SEO, we have the necessary tools to revitalize your website.

Our team at Agencia ROCO is prepared to be your right hand on your journey through the digital world. We know it may seem complicated and scary, but we are fully willing to take you to the top of the search pages.

We have supported more than 600 projects in 10 Spanish-speaking countries, building an impressive track record of success. Trust us and together we will take the path to the success you deserve.

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Frequent questions

One of the main objectives of technical SEO is to attract organic traffic to your website in order to increase your chances of being visible in the top positions of Google and other search engines.

Google's algorithm and search engines are constantly monitoring new activity, and in this particular case it is not enough to apply the basic SEO guidelines as these turn out to be easily omitted by search engines. While with the implementation of technical SEO you increase the possibility of acquiring a better positioning in the SERPs of search engines.

SERPs in short words are all the results that appear on the Google page when performing a search.

A well-applied technical SEO will ensure that Google search robots can more easily understand the content of your website.

Do you still have doubts about how to properly apply technical SEO?

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I'm Valentina, a certified SEO specialist. My team and I are ready to help you position and make your website visible. Don't wait any longer and contact us

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