We create websites for all types of organizations, whether you are an SME, corporation or an entrepreneur who wants to present your product or service; We advise you in the choice, it is important to understand that there are various possibilities and scopes when creating a website.


Informative Websites

Ideal for people or entrepreneurs who want to show the product or service they offer on a website, it is done on a single page and is built with little content.


SME Website

Ideal for small and medium-sized businesses that require a site that is easy to manage, it is built on a CMS called WordPress, and SEO work can be done to improve positioning.

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Corporate Websites

Ideal for large companies, educational institutions, government pages, etc.

Due to their security, speed and design requirements, they are usually made to measure using code.



They are websites with a payment gateway, shopping cart and wish list, through them you can have an online store.

Ideal for B2C product companies, they require adequate inventory management for their proper functioning.

What is your website for:

With your WEB site you can show your audience what your company is, what it does, what products or services it offers, in addition to making your contact information available to Internet users.

Web development

Types of website

There are different types of websites, it all depends on the use and scope you want to give it. Here you will find a very practical grouping that will help you make the right choice.

How does a Website work?

They are hosted on a server, they are identified and differentiated from others through a domain; They are in turn composed of one or more web pages. They are indexed in Web search engines, such as Google.

CRM implementation - ZOHO

Buyer's journey


Recognition stage

Being more eye-catching involves creating and publishing exclusive content since the way to reach more customers is to take advantage of available tools such as blogs and content offers, awakening the interest of your potential customers.


Consideration stage

The buyer already knows what their problem is, now they are looking for a solution through research and other methods to solve it.


Decision stage

Since the buyer knows several solutions to the problem, he makes a list of all the suppliers and products that correspond to the chosen strategy. As you consult more, you narrow down your list to make a decision on which is the best option.  

Do you need advice on the WEB development of your site? Contact us!

We have an expert team in implementation and advice of WEB sites


Let's talk

I'm Valentina and I'm happy to help with your project, write to me now on my WhatsApp

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