Specialist in Google ADS

Let me help you appear at the top of search results with Google ADS ads

google ads specialists

google ads specialist

What is a Google Ads specialist?

Google ADS specialists are characterized by being professionals passionate about the digital medium, we are very analytical and strategists when implementing a campaign.

We are characterized by:

  • Be certified directly with Google in the management of the platform and all its functionalities.
  • Be on the Google Partener list.
  • Have managed campaigns with high budgets.
  • Have successful results endorsed by our clients.

Why do you need a Google Ads specialist?

If you have ever wondered what you have to do to make more people aware of your website, Google ADS is the solution. This platform gives you all the tools you need to achieve it in the short term.

However, in order to properly manage this platform, high knowledge and a long history of managing high-value campaigns is required. 

A Google ADS specialist can be your best ally, since having one of these professionals in your work team guarantees the frequent entry of new potential clients while at the same time cYou will have a person who knows all the processes that can be carried out to make you visible.

At ROCO Agency, We have the best Google ADS specialists you can find, If you allow us to be your right hand, you can be sure that your company will have a large number of benefits.

google ads consultant Juan Camilo Monje

google ads consultant

Juan Camilo Monje


My name is Juan Camilo, I am an engineer; I have had the opportunity to create, together with my two partners, a SEO and SEM agency that has helped many companies around the world to position themselves digitally. Particularly I have specialized in optimizing campaigns in the Google ADS (Search, Display and Shopping) network.

I currently have more than 5 years of experience as a Google ADS specialist for different companies in Colombia, Latin America, the United States and some European countries. Throughout these years I have dedicated myself mainly to leading all types of companies and brands to achieve and exceed their commercial objectives.

Let me be your right hand on this digital journey. 

Google ads expert

What does a Google Ads specialist do?

Once we get down to work, I will dedicate myself fully to the development of the following tasks:

  • Diagnosis of the Google ADS account.
  • Definition of the landing structure that will be used for the campaigns.
  • Collection of vital data for the development of a campaign. (Approach, objectives, market analysis, etc.).
  • Realization of campaign strategies.
  • Campaign launch.
  • Periodic optimization of active campaigns.
  • Preparation of results reports.
  • Evaluation of active campaigns.
  • Complementation of campaigns through other digital media.
Google Ads specialists

Our experience

We are an SEO and SEM agency specialized in managing the tools provided by Google.  We have a great team of certified professionals in the management of the platform, today we have in our history more than 600 successful projects throughout more than 10 countries around the world. 

Google ads experts

Approaches and certifications

We are a company that is made up of certified experts in the use and correct implementation of the tools provided by Google ADS. We offer advice and consultancy to companies, businesses and entrepreneurs who wish to increase their sales. If you want to know more about our products you can click the following button.

Google Ads App Campaigns
Google Ads App Campaigns
Google Ads Measurement
Google Ads measurement
Shopping Ads
Shopping Ads
Google Ads Display
Google Ads Display
Google Ads Search Campaigns
Google Ads Search Campaigns

seo consultant

Work team

At Agencia ROCO, formerly known as Auladig, we evolve while maintaining our essence, committed to the excellence and innovation that defines us; We have a series of specialists in everything related to SEO and web positioning, each of the members of our team is completely willing to help you with everything you need.


katherine - Paid Media Manager

Katherine Castro

Paid Media Manager

Hello, my name is Katherine Castro, I currently have more than two years of experience in the Google Ads area. During this time I have trained directly with Google through Skillshop, obtaining various certifications in Google ADS, which has allowed me to develop campaigns that adapt precisely to the needs of our clients, allowing them to experience significant growth in the market.

Activities within the company

As an area leader at Google ADS, I am dedicated to developing the following tasks:

  • Account optimization.
  • Supervision of compliance with advertising campaign budgets.
  • Supervision of the creation of effective ads and campaigns.
  • Continued communication with clients regarding Google ADS campaigns.

Some of our customers

What do our customers say?

A base de 7 reseñas
Enrique Torres Torres E
Enrique Torres Torres E
Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google.
Bueno el servicio y acompañamiento. Se viene desarrollando todo de acuerdo a las expectativas planteadas.
Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google.
Súper servicio excelente experiencia con mi página web muy amigable 10 de 10
Gloria Cifuentes H
Gloria Cifuentes H
Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google.
Quienes trabajan allí, son personas muy profesionales y con una excelente calidez. Es una empresa muy seria y competente, me encanta trabajar con ellos, porque siento que se interesan en mi negocio como lo hago yo.
MediaCares S.A.S
MediaCares S.A.S
Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google.
Muy buen servicio, soporte constante, cumplidos con los tiempos, desarrollaron una One page hermosa mediacares.com.co. Mil gracias!
Marcela Venegas
Marcela Venegas
Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google.
Me encanto como quedo el ecommerce de mi marca, los super recomiendo
Santiago Zapata Ceballos
Santiago Zapata Ceballos
Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google.
Son una empresa muy organizada y cumple con los periodos de entrega de los productos

Frequent questions

Anytime is a good time to acquire a Google ADS expert.

Whether when you are redesigning your website, when you are about to create a new one or you find yourself with an already established one.

Going to a Google ADS expert will never be a bad investment.

At Auladig we can provide you with this and many more related services.

We are a Google ADS partner so you are guaranteed professional advice.

If you are interested, you can schedule your first free consultation.

First, I have to tell you that Google ADS is the largest advertising platform in the world, and it is thanks to it that we will have the possibility of having a large number of tools that will facilitate your way when promoting your website throughout everything. the Internet. 


Let's talk

I'm Valentina, a certified Google ADS specialist. My team and I are ready to help you position your company at the top of search engines.

Tell us what your needs are

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