5 reasons why social networks no longer sell

5 reasons why social networks no longer sell

Social networks are means of communication that four years ago were very effective for the sales of products and services of small and large companies, however, the competition increased so much that it stopped working to sell products and became a positioning instrument. and brand recognition. 

In this blog I will tell you 5 reasons why social networks no longer sell, starting with the definitions of B2B and B2C to have a better understanding of the topic at hand.

What is B2B and B2C?

Before starting with the reasons why social networks NO longer sell, we must be clear about two fundamental concepts to understand this entry: B2B and B2C.

  • B2B (Business to Business): Business to business, it's the way we Companies sell products and services to each other, That is, in this business model you only work between companies, so there are larger sales and more executive relationships. B2B is based more on logic and decision making, and the purchasing process is longer. 
  • B2C (Business to Consumer): Business to consumer, this form of business is based a lot on emotion due to the target audience it is aimed at (individuals and not companies). This marketing strategy usually focuses on customers who have high potential. That is, these types of businesses are focused on people and not on companies.

Now that we know what the meanings of each one are, we must sit down for a moment and think about our business and define which of the two fits and why. This will help us focus on the marketing strategies that we must implement. 

5 reasons why social networks no longer sell

1. You consider social networks as the center of your strategy

When you put social media at the center of your marketing strategy, you are directing most of your efforts towards a platform whose main purpose is communication between individuals rather than direct sales.. Therefore, starting your strategy from this approach may not be optimal and, consequently, your sales results could suffer.

It is essential to remember that social networks represent a virtual environment intended primarily for social interaction. Although they include an advertising component among the publications, this is not their fundamental objective. Although you can take advantage of them to increase visibility and promote your products, it is not advisable to exclusively base your entire strategy on these platforms.

There are various strategies that are more effective to achieve direct sales, such as SEO, which helps increase traffic to your website. Instead of relying solely on social media, it is advisable to explore a variety of approaches that directly address your sales goals and allow you to reach a broader audience effectively.

2. The type of company you are

Now that we have a clear understanding of the B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) concepts, we can explore how they relate to the target audience of social media. As we know, social media is aimed at individuals looking to connect with other individuals. Therefore, when we look at a B2B company advertising on social media platforms, it is clear that this company could be focusing its efforts inappropriately.

In the context of B2C companies, social media can play a complementary role in achieving greater visibility. However, this reinforces the previous point: these platforms are not direct sales channels. Consequently, it is essential to integrate other strategies that guide your target audience to your website, where they can explore and access your entire catalog of products or services.

In short, while social media can be useful in amplifying the presence of B2C companies, it is crucial to recognize that its potential does not extend to a direct sale. To achieve effective conversions, it is essential to combine a presence on social networks with approaches that direct consumers to platforms more suitable for making sales, such as your website.

3. It has a very high cost

The claim that social media is not the most effective platform for making sales is based on the fact that the conversion rate obtained through it is usually significantly lower compared to direct sales made on your own website. This is especially evident when compared to strategies that aim to rank your site in search engines like Google, a tactic that everyone has access to.

When achieving sales through social networks becomes a reality, it generally involves a laborious and expensive effort. Getting strong and fast visibility on these platforms often requires investing in paid ads. Additionally, hiring and training someone to handle the complex policies and dynamics of each social network is essential due to the high time demands that this entails. However, in many cases, this system turns out to be not as profitable for companies compared to other strategies.

4. Direct sales.

Social networks do not work to sell, This does not mean that they are useless, this means that the networks give you other types of information that can help you sell.

When we talk directly, we are talking about platforms like your website where your customers can see and order the products or services you offer in the same place. This situation does not happen on social networks because for this to happen, you must have a lot of traffic on your profile and as we know it is very difficult. 

Social networks work very well for data collection, in them you can generate databases and analyze statistics to know what the needs and tastes of your target audience are, so don't abandon them completely, you just have to refocus your digital strategy and expand your horizons

5. Social networks

When we enter a network not social We enter looking for a product to buy, We enter to see and learn about people's profiles or to follow the movements of our favorite artist, that's why when we see an advertisement we generally pass by because it's not what we came in for.

That is why when we buy through social networks it is spontaneous, an impulse and possibly aggressive advertising. On the other hand, when we search for a product we tend to open search engines like Google or Yahoo! Sites that allow us to see a broader offer of the product we are looking for.

We can conclude that Social networks are not sites to sell due to their social and non-commercial objectiveHowever, they can be sites to collect information that help us study what our target audience wants.  

Now if you want Learn more about digital marketing strategies outside of social networks, we can help you. Auladig is a digital marketing agency where we can create strategies that help you position your sites.


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