Category: Marketing Digital

Digital marketing
Valentina Pulgarin


We can think that the economy is based on matter and energy as it has been called since the industrial revolution, as if the interpretation of the nature of this industrial society was about the means of production. But since the 20th century, the great economists were already pointing out how the entire society was based not on capital, natural resources, or work, but on knowledge. If there is knowledge, the other factors of production can be obtained; knowledge step to make a utility to obtain economic results.
The economy had to adapt to the fact that the most precious resource in the world was something immaterial, that is why the customs, the rules, the skills to be able to capture, preserve, discover and exploit information are now the most important thing, as Walter Wriston said, the former president of Citybank.

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Digital marketing
Valentina Pulgarin

How to choose a social network for your company

Did you know that between 2016 and 2020 the trend toward using mobile devices to access social networks went from 99,913 users at the end of 2016 to 225,896 users as of December 2020 in Latin America. And that half of the 406,182 minutes they spend per month on social networks, they do so browsing advertising from companies that use social networks as a visibility tool.

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Digital marketing
Valentina Pulgarin

How to sell on social networks 2021

We have to accept that social networks are part of our daily lives. Every day people between 16 and 29 years old spend an average of 3 hours a day on social networks, and adults between 45 and 54 an average of 1 hour and 39 every day, where Facebook and Instagram lead the time spent on social networks . This is seen in the strengthening of the use of social networks in sales.

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