Put your company in the top search positions. Do you know what Google ADS is for?

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Did you know? As of 2011, Google has more than 1.2 billion companies advertising their products on the search network. Below I will tell you why this channel has become such a successful sales tool.

I will introduce you to what it is, how it works and what Google ADS is for. Join me to learn more!

Do you want to start a project with Google ADS? Auladig helps you

What is Google ADS?

Google ADS, formerly called Google Adwords, is a program for online advertising that is part of the Google company. In this program you can create online ads to “reach people at the right time” This way they are more likely to visit your website or call a number you have designated.

Below we will tell you how Google ADS influences the positioning of your company

Do you know what Google ADS is for?

Now if we are going to get into the topic that concerns us, what Google ADS is for.

Google ADS is a paid tool that you can use to promote your company and increase traffic to your website through ads that Google publishes in the most appropriate spaces according to the customers you want to reach.

The accounts of this program are managed online, this gives you the option to change the campaigns whenever you want, the text, the budget, the configuration or the objective, as long as you have internet to access them.

Google ADS does not have minimum investment requirements, with this tool you can make an increasing investment, that is, you invest a certain amount of money in the month of July, if at the end of the month you obtained the expected result then in August you can increase that investment and so on until you reach your investment limit.

5 steps to start a google aDS campaign

Google ADS works from a series of steps that are:

1. Know your objective:

The tool requires knowing your objective to help you adapt the ads you are going to create.

2. Decide where to publish your ads

You can publish your ads locally or globally, your decision will depend on who they are aimed at and where your business operates.

3. Create the message you want to convey

This can be the most complex step because writing to attract clients is not always easy, your message should not exceed 3 lines.

4. Choose your budget

This is a paid tool, so you should look at how much your monthly budget is for it.

5. Publish your ad

Your ad will appear on the different Google platforms that are related to your target audience, for example, if you have a hotel your ad will appear on Google Maps or when someone searches for a hotel in the area where yours is.

This tool works through a series of steps that will help you manage it correctly and achieve the goal of reaching more customers.

Google ADS, a tool for you to have good positioning in search engines

Since we know a little about the Google ADS tool, I would like to tell you a little about the positioning of your company and because it is important to have greater sales success and recognition.

If your company's website is one of the first that appears when someone searches for a word related to a product or service that you offer, you will have a greater chance of purchasing, this is called positioning and it is important that your company is well positioned. You can achieve this through Google ADS, this product can be used as a tool that benefits your company and increases your customers.

What I am telling you may seem very simple, but it is not, although the Google ADS tool is simple to use, this does not guarantee immediate success, because you must have extensive knowledge of the market, that is, how it moves. day by day, what are the trends and how the market behaves according to Google statistics, here lies the importance of having a good Marketing agency to help you with all these analyzes that can waste time that you need to invest in other activities.

You have to analyze all this to have a better response. On the other hand, writing the ads must be a previously thought-out strategy. You have to look for the keywords that fit what you want to say. However, you must be careful with which ones you use. because if they are very frequent on the internet then your ad will not meet the main objective.

The above may seem complicated, don't worry, I offer you a solution, Auladig is a digital Marketing agency that offers the Google ADS service, you can contact us to help you create your ads and manage the platform, this way you won't you will have to worry about analyzing, writing or configuring the platform.

In conclusion, Google ADS is a product that Google offers to create advertising ads that help your company have more sales and greater traffic on its website, and it also gives you a positioning that, depending on how you use the tool, can do you a lot of good. .

Finally, I would like to invite you to visit our website so that you can see all the services we offer and get the ones you need most.


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