Zoho CRM, Advantages and Disadvantages

zoho crm advantages and disadvantages

Competitiveness is a virtue in the world of digital business. You must not stop paying attention to the tools that can potentially favor the activity of your project. CRM is one of these tools. One of the most popular options is Zoho CRM. Next, we will see what exactly Zoho CRM is, what its benefits are, and its advantages and disadvantages.

Roughly speaking, the CRM is installed in the corporate and administrative processes of your company and these become fluid: consequently, the sales cycle is streamlined and the relationships with your clients become even closer.

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It is not just another software for administration and management of business resources: it is a perspective that provides dynamism and fluidity to your commercial activity. Stay to find out more.


What is CRM?

CRM is a business perspective that, although it sounds new, has been gaining strength for some years now. Initially it only denoted the tendency to turn one's gaze on the client; that is to say, know more about the client, approach him appropriately.

Companies with a CRM strategy (acronym in English for Customer Relationship Management) focused their efforts on improving the customer experience. This satisfaction created loyalty and increased the possibility of acquiring new customers.

With the rise of digital tools, this perspective takes the form of software. It is a revolutionary change. The way corporate and administrative processes are developed changes. The language spoken is that of efficiency.

Keeping in mind the direct relationship with the client (that is, knowing valuable information), such processes are “purified”: it is detected which tasks are superfluous and which others need to be enhanced. This means that resources are available to more optimal use.

What is Zoho?

A little history…

Within the framework of the digitalization of this perspective, many CRM software brands are born. They are very similar to each other, because they provide more or less the same tools, but they vary radically in terms of the possibilities they offer and the use that can be given to them.

Zoho appeared on the scene in the mid-90s. It was originally called AdvenNet and was dedicated to the design of telecommunications software. This experience shapes all his subsequent development. By 2005 it became Zoho, a pioneering company in CRM software and cloud services.

In simple words, Zoho is…

Zoho is a company that offers a very extensive list of applications and software tools designed to operate within a company.

The products it offers, having the vast experience behind them, guarantee a noticeable improvement in two aspects of the companies that acquire them:

  • Inside the company, its processes develop more fluidly.
  • Outside, it improves the relationship experience with its customers and its environment.

What about Zoho CRM?

This is one of the many digital tools that Zoho offers. Perhaps, it is the most popular and recommended. Research institute Nucleum Research named Zoho a leader in the CRM technology space in 2021.

Corporate giants such as Amazon, Suzuki and others have implemented it successfully. This does not mean that it is inaccessible to small and medium-sized businesses. In fact, these are where revenue growth and resource optimization are most frequently reported.

But how does Zoho grow your business? To know this, you have to know the services and applications integrated into CRM. Later we will see its advantages and disadvantages.

What services does Zoho CRM offer?

Above other CRM software, Zoho specializes in cultivating relationships between customers and your company. These relationships ensure customer satisfaction, the greatest probability of attracting prospects, and effective communication that promotes the positioning of your brand.

Remember that there is no better advertising than a recommendation from someone you trust.

But it doesn't stop there. Zoho brings together in one place that information that is so easily lost among piles of files from different dependencies. It allows real-time access to many types of information about your clients and leads.

For example, it allows you to know what route a particular customer has taken on your website, how they have behaved, what preferences they have, and even know in real time in which phase of a sale your staff is interacting with them.

On the other hand, with its omnichannel tools, allows for expanded communication. Through telephone, email, and social networks you can share information about your company's campaigns or promotions. You can also contact potential clients.


  1. It offers the service of an Artificial Intelligence, called Zia, that helps you immediately find the precise data you need; Zia is also capable of making very accurate predictions about clients and leads.
  2. High automation capacity; This allows you, for example, to schedule the sending of mass emails, the projection of a sales cycle, or an entire workflow process, making it more dynamic through the communication of reliable information.
  3. Monitoring a specific client or group of clients, throughout their experience in relation to your company, facilitates the management of agreements. That is, more deals are completed in less time.
  4. Since information flows more diligently, your collaborators know what the impact of their work really is on your company, since they have more clarity about their place within the sales cycle. The immediate effect generated is an increase in productivity.
  5. It has a very intuitive and friendly interface. Forget about cumbersome Excel tables, the difficulty when moving data or comparing it. Information is not only at your fingertips: it is understandable and useful.
  6. Establish priorities based on the real actions of your company. In addition, with Zoho you know which specific tasks you must carry out to meet your goals.


  1. Its implementation tends to take a little longer than the implementation of other CRM software. Being a software that integrates so many tools, the process to fine-tune them is somewhat time-consuming.
  2. It is necessary to have knowledge of English. Its Spanish version continues to contain some Anglicisms. However, it's nothing that can't be understood with a little practice.
  3. There is one advantage that can be, under unfortunate circumstances, a considerable disadvantage: it is software that is in the cloud. If for some reason you do not have an internet connection, you simply cannot access it.
  4. Because it is used in regions whose tax policies vary so much from each other, Zoho CRM may not fully support your government processes, such as tax returns.

As you have seen, Zoho CRM is an excellent option to manage your resources more efficiently, better organize your administrative processes, and streamline the sales cycle. Count on us for your project.


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