Hubspot CRM vs Zoho CRM

Day by day we see how the world of business and digital marketing changes. Strategies that worked yesterday are, at the very least, ineffective today. You have to constantly rethink what the best tactics are to convert leads into loyal customers. And not only that: we have to think about how to make our company something more. CRM offers the tools to do this. But with so many options on the market, we are faced with a dilemma: Hubspot CRM vs Zoho CRM.

CRM is not simply a software tool that facilitates corporate processes and speeds up the sales cycle. It is much more than that. It is a whole new conception of what a company is. Change the focus radically. The way to make it effective is through software. But there are many on the market, and two are the most popular: Hubspot and Zoho.

Stay to get to know them in depth. Hubspot CRM vs Zoho CRM. Here we will talk about what each one is, what its advantages are and what its disadvantages are. So, You will make an informed decision when implementing CRM in your company. In any case, you can contact us if you want specialized advice.

<<Do you want to know how CRM is implemented?>>

Table of Contents

Do you want to implement CRM and don't know which option to choose? Stay to learn the advantages and disadvantages of two of the best options on the market.

What is CRM?

CRM is a commonly used term in today's digital marketing world. CRM is normally designated as software that supports information management in the different departments of a company. However, it is a term that was born in the 90s as a revolutionary concept in marketing: focus on the client, know him, know about him.

CRM, then, stands for Customer relationship Management, or Customer Relationship Management. It is the business approach that tends to strengthen relationships with current clients and expand the possibilities of having new ones.. In CRM, information is more valuable than anything else.

Your company, when implementing CRM, knows what type of client it has and which lead is potentially a client: it knows what they like, what their interests and preferences are. With this in mind, it's easier to know what to offer you.

Furthermore, by building customer loyalty (that is, having their contact information, such as telephone, email, networks, etc.), communication channels become more efficient, since you will be able to communicate offers, promotions and other services that speed up the sales cycle.

Now, CRM software is basically the application of what you just read. It is a digital tool that allows you to organize the information you have about the client -although you should know that it is not limited to just that-. It also allows you to share that information from the sales area to the projection area, for example.

It is easier to find patterns or common data between clients; It is easier to contrast information and find interesting convergences in which you can delve deeper and find - why not? - a new opportunity for growth.

The best word that defines CRM is «Unification». That is, control, plan, execute and automate the tasks of each of your company's departments from the same place and under the same logic.

Hubspot CRM vs Zoho CRM

The advantages of implementing CRM are significant. Not only are your sales visibly improved, your brand as a concept is also extended and energized. You know your clients better and you corporately organize your company so that available resources are optimized.

It is essentially that: with CRM you have the information in your hand to set specific goals; and with CRM you also have the tool to achieve them. But here you probably have a question: "What software does my company need?"

There is a huge amount of CRM software on the market. Here we will analyze the two most relevant, which guarantee resource optimization and streamlining the sales cycle. However, you should know that, as companies have specific needs, the CRMs they implement must also have specific characteristics that adapt to them. The question Hubspot CRM vs Zoho CRM is very relevant for them.

Although in both cases it is CRM software, Hubspot and Zoho have different approaches and are designed to meet different needs. Let's see.

Huspot CRM

What is it?

Hubspot is a CRM software that specializes in automating corporate processes and management. It can be customized, in terms of the administration and assignment of tasks, in very specific aspects. So it allows you to make better decisions based on reliable data.


  • High automation.
  • Ease of use for managers, administrators, representatives, etc.
  • Intuitive interface.
  • Providing technical assistance.
  • Speed in implementation.
  • Integrate many tools in one place.


  • Its free version has some limitations, although the paid version satisfactorily fulfills what is expected of a CRM.
  • In highly complex sales cycles, it can present some problems that automation does not solve.
  • The data it offers is susceptible to some margin of error. Information sometimes has to be compared and contrasted.

Zoho CRM

What is it?

Zoho is also a CRM software. It specializes mainly in managing the relationships between your company and its clients.

Allows the optimization in sales fields; but it doesn't stop there: improve corporate organization processes, communication between the different departments of your company, such as the sales, inventory or customer assistance area.


  • It is the best options for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Allows greater sales projection: speeds up your cycle.
  • It offers greater information about the communication channels between your company and your clients.
  • Allows access to vital information about the work of collaborators, as well as work assignment.
  • Great interference from artificial intelligence: the behavior of leads is predicted with a high success rate.
  • An intuitive interface with intelligent design allows automation of sales, accounts, contacts, leads.
  • Programming for automatic dissemination of information.
  • It brings together logistics resources in one place, allowing greater fluidity of information.


  • Its implementation is a little more costly and complex, so it usually takes more time.
  • Although its free version works very well, the best tools are in the paid version. However, it's not out of reach, and it practically pays for itself in a short time.

As we already saw, CRM is a software that can help you increase the competitiveness of your company. Each option has its own advantages and suffers from some disadvantages.

However, some of these disadvantages are mitigated, since it may be that, since your company has its own particularities, such disadvantages are not really significant. Contact us to learn more about Hubspot CRM vs Zoho CRM


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